FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH: 'The Way Of The Fist' Video Available
September 11, 2008Headbanger's Blog is currently hosting the world premiere of the new FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH video, "The Way Of The Fist". The clip, which was helmed by the band's longtime friend, writer/director Sxully Essex (whose bread and butter is working on horror movies),can be viewed below. (Note: Video stream may not be available to some non-U.S. residents.)
According to singer Ivan Moody, "'The Way Of The Fist' is not quite a Shakespearian depiction of anger and revenge. This song was more my way of releasing all the pent up aggression I felt against some people who wronged me beyond the point of any kind of forgiveness or mercy."
FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH has announced a full U.S. headlining tour this fall. They will be joined by IN THIS MOMENT, BURY YOUR DEAD, and ANOTHER BLACK DAY. The tour kicks off September 29 in Colorado Springs, and wraps up December 4 at the House of Blues in San Diego.
"Never Enough", the last video from FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH, was filmed in Glendale, California at Alphadog Studios and was directed by Agata Alexander (GODHEAD, DIS-GIZED ES FOG, COMBICHRIST).
FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH recently released the song "Never Enough" as a free download to fans who have already bought or are now buying the band's debut album, "The Way Of The Fist". The track, which is also the band's new single, was written and recorded during some down time while singer Ivan Moody was recovering from a throat problem.
"The Way Of The Fist" was re-released on May 3 with "Never Enough" and two additional new tracks included.